Leave It
The LEAVE IT command is something we can use when we don't want our dogs to engage with, sniff or eat something that they are looking at or moving towards.
Leave it can easily develop a negative feeling for us and our dogs. Imagine you want that expensive thing at the shop, it was the last one there but you had to leave it. now at random times, your mind wanders back to it wondering if it's been taken or if it's still there and wishing you had taken it or thinking of ways you can get it.
To help our dogs choose to leave something and to prevent them from trying to go back for it or feel like they missed out we can condition the word to have a positive outcome. Just like if you had to leave that item but now found penty of them cheaper online you no longer feel bad about letting it go.
Tips: When training the leave it never let your dog get the object they were after. Always reward with an object of higher value and similar drive. eg - Leave a sock get a Toy, Leave a dry biscuit get a piece of cheese, leave the bird, chase the treat-filled ball, Leave the smelly animal get a sniffari. Always remove the lure after training.
Conditioning the WordStart by positively conditioning the word. Do this by choosing a moment when your dog is not paying any attention to you. Say LEAVE IT in a fun upbeat tone. When your dog comes back to you mark and reward them and together go do something fun like go to the backyard, have a sniffari, play, walk etc.
Building the understanding1. Get a piece of paper or a random object that your dog won't be too interested in. 2. Throw it a short distance, as the dog starts to go towards the paper say the LEAVE IT command and reward your dog at your side.
3. Repeat this step with different objects
Strengthening the connection
1. When your dog is comfortable leaving the random objects start using more enticing objects like toys.
2. Place some low-value food in a clear box with holes. put your dog on lead and walk past the box, When they pull to investigate say LEAVE IT. When your dog disengages give them multiple high-value rewards and walk them away from the area. If your dog doesn't disengage use the lead to help them make the right choice and then go back to conditioning the word or building understanding.
3. As your dog gets better at this behaviour add bigger and more exciting lures like a ball, treats, other dogs, enticing smells etc
Here are some videos from trainers around the world to help teach the behaviour.

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