The middle position is a safe place for your dog on the go. And puts you back in control.
Middle is when your dog manuvers themselfs between your legs and performs a conditioned response, sit, walk with you, down etc.
Benefits of training a dog to move to the Middle.
- Excellent way to give your dog a safe place to hide when outside the house.
- Helps keep anxious or flighty dogs from running away.
- A great way for your dog to tell you they are overwhelmed in the environment.
- It can help clip the lead on the dog during recall.
Training the behaviour
Step 1. Conditioning how the behaviour looks and feels. (teaching the dog middle is safe and fun)
- Stand with your dog off leash in a narrow passageway ideally somewhere where when you stand with your legs wide apart you block the passageway.
- Throw a treat between your legs a few feet behind you. This should make the dog go between your legs to get to the treat.
- When they turn around lure them with a treat getting them to stop between your legs to get the treat.
- When your dog is more comfortable doing this at step 3 take a step forward and get your dog to move with you by following a target or treat lure.
Step 2. Adding a verbal cue.
- Stand in an open room facing your dog with your legs apart.
- Using a target or food lure get the dog to come past your knee around your leg and stop when they are in the middle position and their front feet are next to yours. Mark and reward this position. (if your dog is unsure you can try going back to step one for a bit longer, or try to shape the behaviour)
- When the dog performs this action Start to use the "MIDDLE" cue as your dog rounds your leg just before they get the treat.
- Throw a treat to reset your dog and repeat by shifting your body a bit to teach the dog how to get into the position from different angles.
Step 3. finishing touches (Adding criteria)
- Start to use the middle as a starting point when starting a game or putting your dog's lead on before a walk. (this sets up the dog for middle during recall)
- In a situation where your dog shows fear or anxiety cue a middle and reward them heavily for staying in this position with food and Constructional affection.
- Practice the behaviour in the house using a lead.
- Start to practice in a quiet area outside and during your walk. (You may need to go back to step 1.)
- Start to use the behaviour in more distracting environments.
- Use the middle as a starting point when crossing into new areas.
The videos below show how other great trainers from around the world train this behaviour.

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