Training your dog to love wearing a muzzle can help make sure they are safe when out in public, especially if they are reactive. It can give you peace of mind if youre unsure how your dog will react in certain situations and can also stop them from eating toxic items like bait. It can help case of an emergency if they are in a lot of pain and need to be taken to the vet, But for me the most important and the reason i muzzle train my dogs is because if there is ever a time they need to be in one I want them to be as comfortable and stress free as possible.
Choosing a muzzle
Having the right type of muzzle is extremely important. AVOID muzzles that close the dog’s mouth and or nose, as this can lead to the inability to pant which can result in your dog getting stressed and overheating since panting is the primary way they regulate body temperature. Avoid muzzles that have restrictive fronts as this prevents a dog from being able to eat or drink when out (Unless you are using the muzzle in an area where there can be bait or where it isn’t safe for your dog to eat or drink.)
Not all dogs are built the same and for this reason some dogs do better with a custom made muzzle that is specifically designed to fit their unique face. Click on the immages below to be directed to a few businesses who custom built muzzles.
Baskerville basket muzzles are a good store bought option.
Pro – ✓ Great muzzle that allows your dog to eat drink and pant freely. ✓Easy to secure around your dog's neck and can even be secured to a collar. ✓Easy to clean✓ Easy to condition the dogs to use since they can be fed with the muzzle onCons –✕ Does not fit all breeds ✕ Dogs can still eat undesirable objects
For more muzzle types along with their pros and cons check out this guide from Rebarkable.
Click on the image below or the link to learn the best way to condition a dog to a muzzle from Fear Free Happy Homes
Check out the videos below to learn how to condition a muzzle from other trainers from around the world.

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More information :
VCA Animal Hospital
The Muzzle Up Project